Being part of the community is part of growing a business. It doesn't matter what that business is. Our local non-profit organizations, children, and families need businesses to give back to the community. Not all businesses give back in the same way. Some have employees that volunteer at a local charity in their spare time. Others make donations to local charities or sponsor local events.
It strengthens our businesses and our communities when we all get involved.
Our particular community project is troop cookie sales. Each Girl Scout troop also gives back to the community by the way. Donations are made to local charities. Our Broken Arrow Troop is giving donations
Blue Star Mothers. For our troop, you can
support a Girl Scout and
support our Troops as well.
If you want to support your local girl scout troop but don't want the temptation of sweets and extra calories, find out if their donations go to help out a non-profit organization you could donate to. This helps the girls and the non-profit organization.
Each girl has a goal (a certain number of boxes to sell) and the troop as a whole also has a set number of boxes to sell. This also teaches the Girls to be goal oriented.
This years cookies for Eastern Oklahoma area Girl Scouts are the "Super Six" as listed below:
Samoas, Trefoils, Thin Mints,
Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, Lemon Chalet Cremes
They are $4.00 per box.....
Please Help support a local Girl Scout:
either by placing an order with her or by purchasing a box for donation .