Friday, September 5, 2014

Rant and Raving Political Opinions

Larry Gatlin posted an "open letter" to the president of the United States. Please click the link to read that post. The video embedded with this post you will read (if you click the link) is a Fox23 News video. The videos loop from one to another. One is from our President. Another is from the Vice President. (I like the VP's stance on things except that our people have a can we reach the gates of hell when we--our soldiers and fighters--are not allowed to leave the front gates?) and our Leaders. My point in this post and in response to these points--these videos-- is simply this: Larry Gatlin makes a very good point in illustrating that our president seems more worried about his image than about the American people.

When did our country become so image-conscious that leading takes a backseat to public opinion polls? Being a leader ANYWHERE requires doing things that are not-so-popular. If leading was easy then anyone could do it. Not just anyone can lead the American people.

Listen to our veterans and our soldiers on the front lines (the ones there NOW). Nick Powers has been on a few interviews as it seems in this Fox News video. There was also another letter shared just a couple of weeks ago (at least that is when I ran across it) here to read THAT letter also addressed to "the Leaders of the American People" and also by an American soldier.

Rules of engagement.... when you listen to this, what do you here? What comes to mind? what I hear and what comes to mind is the American Revolution. As a kid you see pictures of the British soldiers in Red-Coats....marching down the middle of the street with a drummer keeping the beat. The rules of engagement were changed then because while war should have limits and rules--there is NO FAIR FIGHT! Criminals don't play be the rules. Different cultures HAVE DIFFERENT RULES. Different belief systems create different rules, different styles of warfare. If you play by the rules and encounter a different set of rules from the other side, then you have to adapt your strategy or YOU LOSE! Isn't that what the Colonies did when the revolution was fought? Isn't that how guerrilla warfare was created? Why do we limit our soldiers and give our opponent the advantage? Why are our leaders not listening to those on the front lines? Why are Americans publicly executed like criminals of another era and we do nothing?

I saw mention of the video of the journalist's beheading...I my mind jumped back to another time when American journalists risked life and death to get the truth...they were Americans then and it cause OUTRAGE then....why does it not today?? Are we so self absorbed as to believe this can't touch us here at home? Because if nothing is done and AMERICA doesn't (or isn't allowed by our leaders) to stand up for what is right--for freedom, then it will touch us. Our future will be different. And if we are not the ones here to see it, our children and their children will be here and will witness the after shocks first hand.

That is not a legacy I want for my children.
--> History has shown us that evil is only successful when the righteous stand aside and do nothing. "So are we now a people (as a whole) who would let our leaders create a world-wide image of a nation that does nothing. Clearly we are once again being challenged...only this time we are letting them win with our lack of action.....

 Please feel free to comment.  I have my opinions and am asking for yours. That doesn't mean I am asking for you to be rude and disrespectful. It means I am looking for intelligent debate and responsible opinions that could be fruitful to the readers that visit here.