Monday, June 1, 2020

Where Do YOU Stand?

#2020Violence #2020Riots #2020RightToAssemble

Communication works both ways. This is true. In regards to the riots, protesters, and other actions taken across our Great Nation over the last few weeks.... Here's my take on it. 

    Law breakers and those who commit criminal acts are no longer protesters. They have broken the law. The law will react. The thing about that is if it is in the middle of a protest, people seem to forget that police are afraid for their lives too. They have families at home who count on them to do a job. Their job just puts them in harms way every day. They are human. 
Yes they wear a badge and "have power" and should use it wisely. 

    People who want to be heard should also use the power of their voice wisely and be heard in a legal manner-- the right to assemble and be heard doesn't include violence or hurting other people or vandalism, or blocking roadways. KNOW the law and what you are stepping into when you join a protest because the action of one person in the group can become the voice of the entire group....then you have guilt by association. This leads to the voices that wanted to be heard getting lost in the violence and the turmoil that ensues and we are all right back to where we started. 

    People are people no matter what side they are on. both sides get scared. Both sides react. Both sides make good and bad decisions.  The media (and Social Media most of all) focus on what gets people's attention and what gets them heard.... and then things escalate.... and here we go again. Yes I believe in freedom of the press. This branch is also to be held accountable. They are required to fact check their sources before they publish. Social Media has NO such requirements. How many times have you posted something only to have a friend post back with a link to or some other source that says your copied post is wrong? Most people (myself included) don't always (rarely) take the time to check to see where the information came from. We just share because it's out there and it's posted so it must be true. We post according to how things make us feel. When we are outraged, we want to share so others will share so the act of violence or criminal behavior will somehow stop...or because we want to help catch someone who broke the law...or because that was so cute and so funny that we want others to share in that feeling too (the motivation is sharing your feelings if you missed the connection in all of those instances).

    Assemble. Be heard. Share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas! In doing so, Be calm. Be rational. Be patient. Be the voice that IS heard. Change happens but sometimes takes time and be seen and heard the right way. To be heard is important...even imperative! Be the voice you want remembered-not the voice that stirred violence leading to more violence. Don't be a law breaker in the process of trying to do the right thing. The right thing for the right reasons in the right way doesn't generally cause vandalism, or panic, or fear, or innocent bystanders to get hurt. It generally leads to change. 

    People have made these events across the nation about George Floyd and others. It isn't. George Floyd's family is a "God-fearing" family so says his brother at the site where his brother died in a vigil recently held.  Sometimes people only need a cause in order to act. Sometimes those actions aren't in the interest of the group but they become the things others read about and remember. I prefer to be remembered in a positive light-not as a criminal with a record that follows me the rest of my life. One uneducated mistake will stay with you. One positive turn in the right direction will stay with you. MLK preached change. He did so peacefully with love. He set an example. He is remembered as a great leader and man. "Martin Luther King Jr was an American Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movements from 1955 until he was assassinated in 1968." He left a legacy. He left an example. He left us change!

    God's first commandment was to "Love one another". You do that and all the violence disappears. Research George Floyd and what the man stood for. Research the work that he was doing in the neighborhoods he was involved in. He wanted peace and education for neighborhoods that know fear and violence every day as a way of life HERE IN OUR GREAT NATION. He was trying to make a way for some of them to get out of that fear and hate ridden places full of violence. Do you really think he would want violence committed in his honor? Look him up. See what others have to say about him-those that knew him. Then decide if the violence done "for his cause" or "in his name" would be appreciated by George Floyd himself. Then decide---for Yourself. 

    Don't forget to put yourself or a family member on the other side of the line from where you stand to see how you would feel if you were in another position. Because you may find a family member or friend on the other side at some point through this mess of miscommunication. See the entire picture--their side and yours and look at the pros and cons of each side. Be educated in your decision ---not just in the riots and protests arena but in all arenas of life. Love one another. Love is easier than hate. It gives more benefits than hate. It creates more friends and lasting relationships than hate..... Love one another. Talk to one another. Communicate. Be heard. Use your voice--educate yourself and vote! Assemble with love at the center so forward motion can be had.... so we don't walk in circles of violence.

    People are people. The color of their skin doesn't matter. When you see an x-ray, can you tell what race that person is or what color or what gender they are? When blood donations are made at the blood banks, they don't classify them by color, race, or nationality, or gender. They classify them by A, AB, O positive or negative. 
A persons heart and intentions are what should matter more-not the color of their skin or what you can see on the outside. This is my commandment, that you love one another..... 

I know this is rather long. I know people will have plenty to say regarding this post...communication goes both ways. Post your comments respectfully. You deserve to be heard. None of us need to be disrespectful in being heard. Thank You. God bless and keep you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

2020-ReLoading! "Virtual Spa Event"

Well, photography has taken a break with all the self quarentines and the corona virus situation. With that said, I figure it's time to blog again...just for boredom and contact reasons. So IF You are reading this for whatever reason, leave a comment. :)

2020 has been interesting to say the least and has offered just as much change with all the closings in such a short time as well.

I am taking the time to clean and organize. In doing just that, I ran across something I thought might offer some fun from home. In 2013, I hosted a girls spa night at a local hotel. We had such a good time!  I thought with all that is going on, a Virtual Girl's Spa Night might be fun.

So...For those that want to Host a "Virtual Spa Event" here are a few things you might enjoy!

Wrinkles and Spots 
Get rid of Wrinkles!
2-3 large green grapes 
Cut grapes in half. Crush the inner part on face and neck. Make sure you get the crows feet area and lines around your mouth. 

Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat dry. 

Look Younger Face Liquid: 
**Juicer works best for this but freshly squeezed ingredients work too.** 

1 Large Grapefruit
1 Large Green Apple
1 Large ripe Tomato (or a bottle of Tomato Juice)
½ tsp grapeseed extract 
Pass all peeled fruit through a juicer OR mix freshly sueezed/bottled juices together. Add grapeseed extract. Pour into a glass bottle and refrigerate until ready to use. 
When using: saturate cotton ball and apply over face and neck.  AVOID eyes and lips. 
Keep on for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water (“the Beauty Cookbook”) 

Soy Facial 
**Super fast and super easy**½ Cup chilled Soy Milk (NOT flavored!)1 washcloth 
Measure ½ cup soy milk and pour into a bowl. Soak clean washcloth in soy milk. Wring out cloth and get comfy. Recline, relax and place open washcloth over face. Close your eyes and soak for 15 minutes. (this once a week treatment is said to “reduce or prevent fine-lines and wrinkles” ~~ “the Beauty Cookbook”) 


Honey and Bananas are 2 of the best foods for combating deep lines and wrinkles. Who knew?
1 tsp Honey
1 tsp oatmeal (old-fashioned, not instant or steel-cut)
1 egg yolk
preparation: Mix the honey and oatmeal in a small bowl. Stir in the egg yolk and mix well.
application: Gently apply this over your face. Once the mask has dried, remove it with clean dry cotton balls.

Tired, Old, or dried Hands? 
Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive OilTbsp Lemon Juice 
Squeeze fresh lemon. Leave juice in bowl. Add Olive Oil. Place right hand in the bowl. Leave and soak for 3 minutes. 
Remove hand from bowl and slide on clear plastic glove (for deep conditioning—glove is optional) 
Repeat this with the other hand. Leave mixture on hands (after removing from soaking) for 10 to 15 more minuts. The gloves are optional but will help deep condition and will keep mess from smearing on whatever you set your hands on for the next 10 to 15 minutes.  
Skin will look “years younger” (according to: “the Beauty Cookbook”) 

Bagged Foot treatment 
apsrin2 spoons (for crusing)Tbsp lemon juice2 plastic bags (like your grocery bags) 
Mix crushed aspirin and lemon juice into a paste. Apply mixture to feet. Put a bag over each foot. (NOTE: you can put socks – like fuzzy comfy slipper socks---on over the bags to keep in place.) Rest for 15 minutes. Wash feet with warm water. Apply moisturizer. 

Cuticle Enhancer 
1 slice fresh pineapple1 damp washcloth 
Wash hands and dry. Rub slice of pineapple over nails and cuticles. When you are done coating each nail, wait 2 minutes. Wipe excess juice away. Use damp washcloth to push cuticles back. Manicure ready. J 
~~Can be done for pedicure as well.  (“the Beauty Cookbook”} 

Check back soon to see what other home recipes we used. 

If you'd like to know more...all these were researched at the Tulsa City-County Library. Check out these books: "The Natural Beauty & Bath Book",  "The Beauty Cookbook", "Return to Beauty", and I also have notes on my facebook page... See you again soon.

Feel free to add YOUR home recipes for any spa day in the comments. Let's have some fun during this crazy "corona virus" situation. Be safe. Be You!