Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Secede from Union...Say WHAT?!

What Year is This??

America is a strong nation because we are united...ONE Nation Under GOD.
American Flag
History is a story we all read about. It is real but we can't identify with the era, the time, the conditions of the Civil War. We weren't there. Most of us can't deal with the boredom that comes when there is NO electricity....and when we do lose power, we experience death counts in the news either from heat exposure or from the cold.
Can you imagine what a civil war would be like today??!?!?!???! With the weapons of today and brother against brother. IF we did have states that left the union that has held us together as ONE Nation.....
WHO would we choose as our leaders?
WHERE would they come from?
Where would the boundaries be?
What would happen to our highway networks? For some would take you through to another "Country" or "Nation" for which you would then need a passport....and documentation....and if the division of seceding states wasn't "North and South" or "East and West"....you may have to travel through several newly formed nations to get to where you need to be.
Picture it....The South rises againThe West goes wild! Does our military divide?...Hardly. Troops would be called in to home-base ..where ever that may be...Washington? Home to our soldiers would NOT be home. The freedom they defend...which side would they fight on? Without a government set up to lead and no funds to fuel it....Starting from scratch over 200 years later??
Picture all the fallout movies you have ever seen....and every war movie and civil war movie....and set it in TODAY's time...My thoughts leap to "Red Dawn"...the Patrick Swayze version.Many of us have friends all over the country. Maybe all over the world. And relatives who are scattered from sea to shining sea...think of suddenly living in different countries though no one has changed their geographic location...
Speaking of global possibilities. America divided...a nation now two trying to rebuild in the global world of today....we --who have helped build up other nations after war has ravaged them---would be weakened beyond imagining. The advantage we would be HANDING over to the world's unfriendly countries.....
It all paints a very UGLY picture for my mind's eye to behold.
Can you picture the reality of it?
Now think of the economic aspects of it all....disasterous!
so now that you have "listened" to me ramble on and on and babble about so many random aspects that don't even scratch the surface......tell me what YOU think....