Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Secede from Union...Say WHAT?!

What Year is This??

America is a strong nation because we are united...ONE Nation Under GOD.
American Flag
History is a story we all read about. It is real but we can't identify with the era, the time, the conditions of the Civil War. We weren't there. Most of us can't deal with the boredom that comes when there is NO electricity....and when we do lose power, we experience death counts in the news either from heat exposure or from the cold.
Can you imagine what a civil war would be like today??!?!?!???! With the weapons of today and brother against brother. IF we did have states that left the union that has held us together as ONE Nation.....
WHO would we choose as our leaders?
WHERE would they come from?
Where would the boundaries be?
What would happen to our highway networks? For some would take you through to another "Country" or "Nation" for which you would then need a passport....and documentation....and if the division of seceding states wasn't "North and South" or "East and West"....you may have to travel through several newly formed nations to get to where you need to be.
Picture it....The South rises againThe West goes wild! Does our military divide?...Hardly. Troops would be called in to home-base ..where ever that may be...Washington? Home to our soldiers would NOT be home. The freedom they defend...which side would they fight on? Without a government set up to lead and no funds to fuel it....Starting from scratch over 200 years later??
Picture all the fallout movies you have ever seen....and every war movie and civil war movie....and set it in TODAY's time...My thoughts leap to "Red Dawn"...the Patrick Swayze version.Many of us have friends all over the country. Maybe all over the world. And relatives who are scattered from sea to shining sea...think of suddenly living in different countries though no one has changed their geographic location...
Speaking of global possibilities. America divided...a nation now two trying to rebuild in the global world of today....we --who have helped build up other nations after war has ravaged them---would be weakened beyond imagining. The advantage we would be HANDING over to the world's unfriendly countries.....
It all paints a very UGLY picture for my mind's eye to behold.
Can you picture the reality of it?
Now think of the economic aspects of it all....disasterous!
so now that you have "listened" to me ramble on and on and babble about so many random aspects that don't even scratch the surface......tell me what YOU think....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Goals and Strategies

Summer is almost over...we have just over a month and one week before classes resume. My goal is not close enough to what I had envisioned. This is disappointing but not surprising. The exercise program has been good and consistent. My eating habits, while not bad, have not been the best of help. The two go hand in hand. So Now I have to play catch up. I know the muscle tone is there and I know the composition is changing at a decent rate. Now it's the last stretch of the run, the 8th inning is half over, and here I am....

Back to the old grindstone as they say....time to get serious again...redirect! I have August, September, October, and November....then it's too late. Well, ok let's face it....by the end of November the holidays are in full swing and it may as well be over. We all know how that goes.

Best of luck to those out there who are in the same boat...or one similar. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ultimate Ren-Fair or Themed Party Place!

OK....Ren-fair and Pirate maniac that I tend to be this time of year, I had to post this!
A fellow blogger on wordpress posted this amazing party boat photo. Now I love the photo. But the ren-fair kid and pirate crazed fanatic in me absolutely drooled over the subject itself... a Pirate/Capt Hook style party boat!!! For Real?!?!?!?!!????? OMG! That is so AWESOME! 

I can so imagine a themed party booked on this party boat!
Now all I need is, apparently, a trip to St. Augustine......hmmm...... the closest I can get here is a riverboat in Missouri....so NOT the same!

Ok..... I know..... You're thinking: "grow up already". Peter Pan was a favorite childhood story and "growing up" was never a plan in that plot....so yes I admit to a little bit of a peter pan syndrome.... :D
Join me! Have some fun this summer! and SHARE here!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ren-Faire Time AGAIN!

YES! May is almost here! Actually this year I don't have to wait til May. 
The first weekend of the OKRF is April 28th and 29th! Yeah! 
I know some get tired of hearing about renaissance faires. This is one thing I enjoy outside of everything else and yet it incorporates all the things I love about life: people, friends, nature, fun, adventure, dressing up, etc.
Michelle makes the best corsets and outfits anywhere! You can wear them for steam punk events, ren-faires, comic cons, .....just AWESOME! And...SHE is the greatest person...sweet and remembers people and will talk to you any time. Not many shop owners as busy as her stay as sweet, upbeat and positive. She really enjoys what she does and it shows in her work and her personality.

 The Jolly Rogers are my favorite pirate group ever! I have to catch at least one show every now and then.... I try for one show for every day I am at faire but that doesn't always work out. Schedule conflicts happen. However, I do have their cds and can stop in and say hi now and then :D
OKRF wouldn't be the same without that scottish rogue that heckles and hassels ren-faire patrons all in good humor and fun to get you involved in the whole faire experience! He is sweet and jovial and makes the celtic corner a must visit! I look for him every visit to fair....

This photo is of a Eurasian Eagle Owl which you can see at the Royal Gauntlet: Birds of Prey show!
Meet the King's Master Falconer and his crew. The birds are an awesome site and the flights and educational experience are lasting memories meant for the entire family!

As this weekend draws near, I get more and more impatient! Come and join us!
See the castle website here: www.okcastle.com  for more information. The Castle is on facebook too! Find  Royal Gauntlet, Damsel in this Dress, and The Jolly Rogers on Facebook also!
If you happen to visit OKRF, leave a comment here...leave a comment even if you don't!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April 19th...America

April 19th. It brings alot of topics to the surface for alot of people.
I have seen several posts today on facebook regarding the Federal Building in OKC.
I even saw a post from a "dentist in Australia".

Times like April 19th...so many years ago...(and 9/11) make you wonder what this world is and has come to.Tragedies like the Murrah Federal Building and 9/11 bring people together hopefully more so than the events tore them apart. The Memorial in Oklahoma City is a beautiful site. If you get the chance, visit it.
It brings a reminder of what people can do to rebuild, to strengthen and to grow when tragedy does strike.

The writing I saw posted on facebook today was touching. I looked it up on snopes.com.
I want to share the writing with you even though it wasn't written by an Australian Dentist. It still rings a nice chord:
by: Peter Ferrera
George Mason University, School of Law
Northern Virginia

To Kill an American 
You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American. 

So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one.

'An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish , Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.

An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian , or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than inAfghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.

An American is also free to believe in no religion.. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.

An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world.
The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

An American is generous.. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.

When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan ...
The national symbol of America , The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11 , 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.

So you can try to kill an American if you must. 

Hitler did. So did General Tojo , and Stalin , and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world.

 But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself . Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. 
They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. 

Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

I enjoy the diversity put into this article. Regardless of who wrote it...It has some valid points.
It reminds me of how people can come together. It reminds of of a more "Norman Rockwell" time and what I hope is part of the future my children will inherit...peace, love, consideration for humankind and the good things in life that shine even at some of the worst of times.
Let me know what you think....leave a comment.

Friday, April 13, 2012

OKRF: OKlahoma Ren-Fair

I love ren-fairs! I don't get to attend enough of them! I would probably live at any and all renfairs if I didn't have a family....but I do and I am thankful for all of them! Face it. They put up with me for the entire month of May every year and my disappearances to The Castle of Muskogee for my annual adventure!
This year I am hoping to make it to the Masked Ball and maybe the Ceilidh (Ka-lee).

Oklahoma's annual ren-fair is usually held all five weekends in May. THIS year, it starts at the end of April. Opening day is April 28th, Saturday because May only has 4 weekends in 2012.
Last year they added the "Italian Quarter"! So beautiful!!!...This year there is a spanish mission, a new pirate ship/gift shop, more gypsy wagons, and who knows what else awaits!

Royal Gauntlet hosts the "Birds of Prey" show:
Check out Royal Gauntlet's other fair locations on facebook and their blogsite!
If you see them at OKRF (the Oklahoma Renaissance Fair) then help support the birds: make a donation! (Thanks!)
My favorite corset maker will be at the Castle of Muskogee also:
The owner of Damsel in this Dress is Michelle. She is awesome! She has a shop on etsy.com and artfire.com and she also blogs right here on blogspot!!

Another OKRF must-see is "The Jolly Rogers"!! They are my all time FAVORITE pirate act!

Beware! Some of their shows are PG-13..
and the fair wouldn't be OKRF without ANGUS!

Alot goes into a Ren-fair and I know not all my Favorites are mentioned here....there just isn't enough room!
So go to the fair! See it for yourself! Maybe I'll see you THERE! In the mean time....

 ....now that you know the shows I enjoy...and what I am looking forward to...

Tell me about YOU! 

Have you ever been to OKRF?

 What fairs have you been to?

 Which ones should I add to my list of Must Attend?? 

(be sure to tell me in the comment section!)

15th week of 2012

Well, my blog posting is still behind. We are finishing the 15th week of 2012! So how many people do you think are getting crazy over the "last year" before "the end of the world"? I am of course speaking of the Myan calendar that ended at the year 2012...oh...that is this year....hm!
I don't buy into the theory but I am curious to know how it affects people. If I seriously thought this was the last year of my life, there are things I would be doing instead of planning. There are also plans I would be making too...but I wouldn't see them to fruition. They would be for others after my departure.

So...any lists, goals, or "to do's" that you want to share for this year....ya know...Just in case?
 Post them here in the comment section so we can all share!
Don't forget to leave a comment, goal, or list in the comment section! I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break!

Spring Break is a time to party for most....or that is what it brings to mind for most. Why? spring break is that wonderful time off for vacation during the school year....for those in school or college anyway. It brings to mind movies and images hollywood has created of beaches just opening for the season or skiing in 60 degree weather in ski pants and bikini tops (for some girls)....

For me personally, I can say spring break is a time of family and vacationing or a quick get-a-way. this year, spring break week was a week of projects and get-it-done items. I have to admit, usually that bores me to death and I can't wait to escape the monotony of every day life. this year, however, it felt good to get some old things out of the way in preparation for today and tomorrow!

I have a new flower bed around my tree. I have a clean flowerbed in my front yard. I have plans for more landscaping that can now take place. I can also say, we accomplished it as a family. The party for us comes this summer through that actual three months (or two and a half months) of no school time. I have no idea where we are going this year. I only hope it is somewhere we have never been!

If you enjoyed spring break and are looking forward to summer....post a comment here! Tell me about it.

Safari's Sanctuary is a local animal rescue facility. They are located in Broken Arrow, OK. Like any rescue organization, they require ALOT of help through voluteers and donations and any other way you can support an animal rescue facility. I started this blog because I had a marketing assignment and Safari's Sanctuary was my subject for that assignment. Visit their website at: http://www.safarizoo.com/
Help any way you feel the need....help is always appreciated!

Lori has always been a wonderful hostess to guests and to the animals. Let her share her passion with you as you visit her rescued pals!
You can also check out Safari's on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Safaris-Sanctuary-Zoo/154293717972672

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Saint Patrick's Day

Everyone wonders about holidays and where they originated.

It's a great way to share bits of history that make history exciting to children. Why? Probably because they don't realize these little facts are bits of history. St. Patrick's Day being the most recent holiday that coincides with this blog was originally a Roman Catholic holiday. It celebrates Ireland's patron saint and was originally observed only in Ireland; It was in the 1700's when Irish immigrants in the U.S. started the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City.

So how did the wearing of green become the thing of this holiday? It's said that blue was originally the color associated with the holiday but over time green took over in popularity. This could be due to Ireland's nickname as "The Emerald Isle", the green in the Irish flag and the clover that St. Patrick used in his teachings about Catholicism.

In reading about this springtime holiday of Erin, I found some other interesting facts as well.

We have all heard about the war between Protestants and Catholics. Sometimes it is hard to understand all the ramifications of it and how big the division really was or is. Not having been to Ireland myself, I am stuck with what I read. In Ireland, the tradition where Catholics wear green and Protestants wear orange on this holiday is still followed by some.

I also found an interesting fact that ties this tradition with some history of the Irish flag.

These colors are associated with the religious sects and are represented on the Irish flag; Catholics with the green, Protestants by the orange, and the white on the flag is symbolic of the peace between the two.

People in Ireland do not wear as much green or celebrate quite as wildly as revelers do elsewhere according to my findings. However, there is apparently a legend that wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns that will pinch you if they can see you.....Hope your Saint Patrick's Day was a wonderful celebration however you chose to pass the holiday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ten Weeks of 2012

March 10th, 2012 marks the passing of ten weeks out of 52....only 42 more to go.
 You may ask why this is important....well, I set a schedule. I am suppose to write one blog each week.
This blog is number 10 for the year of 2012. Yeah!

It's March and so many things happen during this month.
- spring break
- ren-fairs and training sessions for ren-fairs
- warmer weather
- planning for summer
- preparations for spring and summer (bikini weather)

I am looking forward to spring break! Our week promises to keep us all busy at my place!
It's all so exciting to see plans being made and done....
I have indoor decorating to work on which requires some preparations that have to be done outside!
Then their is spring planting and gardens .... my aunt is looking forward to building a new herb garden this year! I want a patio garden but first I have a patio extension to get completed.

Soccer photographs will start this month and keep March and April busy times on the weekends.

Norman, OK will have it's ren-fair....which I haven't attended before this year...I am planning on attending it in 2012.... Yeah!

Royal Gauntlet puts on an educational falconry demonstration you won't want to miss!

  Damsel in this Dress makes awesome corsets and steam-punk wear than you might find you just can't live without!

They will both be there at the ren-faire in Norman!

 Check them out!!

Join me in the fun.....or tell me all about your adventures at your local fair! Maybe I can put it on my "to visit" list for next year!  :D
See you Next Week!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Wine and Roses

Wine and Roses....two of my favorite but rare gifts!
It's also the metaphore used to describe that youthful, fun time in life...
the days of "wine and roses" ...
Bo Brannon has a song titled wine and roses. 
I found it while looking for something else but it sounds pretty good.
If you like country music, then it's good. If you don't...don't click the link unless you are just determined to punish yourself for something.... not being able to tolerate country music and all....
Country born and country bred....I love country music. That's just me.
A few other links along life's roadhere in the midwest...
 Oklahoma is a wealth of country music, musical talent, and wineries (believe it or not)...

Stone Bluff Cellars in  , OK:   http://www.stonebluffcellars.com/
(They have an awesome wine called "V".)

Tidal School Vinyards in Drumwright, OK:  http://www.tidalschool.com/
(I love their peach chardonnay)

Woods and Waters Winery in Caddo, OK: http://www.woodsandwaterswinery.com/_index.php

Summerside Vineyards in Vinita, OK: http://www.summersidevineyards.com/

Girls Gone Wine in Broken Bow, OK: http://www.thegirlsgonewine.com/index2.html
(I wanted to stop in here when I was in Broken Bow last summer...
....they were closed at the time my schedule was open....darn!)

Have fun and take time to stop and smell the roses!
Life is wonderful!

Side Tracked

Time tends to get away from us all at one time or another.

I tend to find myself easily sidetracked with alot of different interests. Maybe that is one reason my resolutions never come to pass. This year that is changing. I have managed to keep myself in the gym... yeah!! So far that particular goal is working out great. Maybe I am not looking forward to that possibility of "I told you so"-s from anyone who reads any of these posts.....

 My blog posts have fallen behind so this week I am playing catch-up and trying to get things back on track. I did a photo walk alone around Broken Arrow on Main Street and found a few photos to post hoping this would set me back onto the path I chose. My blogs have always been sporadic til 2012. I guess in a way maybe they still are...but at least this year there are more of them.
I have found a few subjects I didn't know were right in front of me like this lion-head. I know it looks like a door knocker....and I would love one of those!! But this is actually on the clock on Main Street in Broken Arrow by the Historical Museum. I loved this little surprise! So I thought I would share it here with you.
Small town walks .... and that walk called life.... still hold a few small yet very worthwhile surprises!
I say " Keep them coming!"

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Year's Resolutions during the rest of the year...

So by now, I am sure most people are tired of hearing about any new year's resolutions that might have been made. As a matter of fact, I would imagine that life is getting in the way of most of those resolutions. It's mid February and the "new year" has come and is going on its merry way....right into March.
with March, comes spring time...flowers in bloom, color returns to our dreary world of winder and barren trees and everyone starts planning for the warm summer season of lake visits, beaches and bikinis!
Ahhhhhh! That new years resolution to workout more or lose x number of pounds or inches is back to the forefront of the minds once again!

Well, I have so far managed to KEEP my new years goals in tact. My workout partner has been gone for the last week and a half and yet I made it to each workout by myself....but I am so glad she is back! Working out alone is hard. The company is good and the progress continues......accountability! It's another good reason to blog! : D

I have a few friends who have been doing various workouts or diets....I understand the need to get to a certain point. We all reach that summit and look down (or back) at our life and decide where we want to be in relation to where we are. Some of us reach that summit more times than we wish existed.
I have tried the Adkins diet. I have tried the low carb diet. the slimfast diet. the hcg diet. Some fad diets work better than others.

We all have different experiences with each of them. Hcg worked great to get me to a point that I could manage...BUT it didn't help me stay there at the point I wanted to be.
Each diet is a fad diet because they are only meant to be done for a short time. then exercise should kick in. Muscle is what burns fat. Muscle is what helps you stay at that point you worked so hard to reach!
Exercise is the only way to manage yourself.
I haven't tried p90x. I know people who have. I also know it works differently for each individual that does the workout. EVERY workout and EVERY diet will affect each of us differently. WHY?? Because we are ALL different. Each person is a unique individual with a different set of challenges, weaknesses, goals and strengths! You have to know yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses and you have to set your own goals!
THEN you will SUCCEED!
I get carried away....I start to panic that I messed up and therefore I am going to fail. I am not! I have until December. It is only mid-february. What is the matter with me??? Well, i think it has come to be referred to as "instant gratification" in America. We want it NOW! Gaining weight didn't happen over night and losing it and building the muscle to keep it off won't happen over night either.

Ok. Time to get off of the soap box. :D
I hope you have stuck with your new year's resolution or your goal for the year of 2012.
Life is an ADVENTURE! Go Live It!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 2012

Well, January has come and gone. It seems as though this year is already flying away! We just got to 2012!
February 2012 has been exciting though it has only existed for three days as of writing this blog. I have gotten in touch with a couple of friends from the past. The future is unfolding nicely! 2012 is going to be a great year!

My photography is branching out and growing as was one of my goals for the year.

My fitness is improving....as was another goal...still working on NOT hearing that "I told you so" phrase. :)
I got a compliment from a trainer today which really boosted my faith in the workout I have been implementing.

I have wonderful "Life's Treasures" in my life! And in case you are wondering what "Life's Treasures" are, they are friends! Life is a journey. Friends are the treasures you find along the way. Though it may sound cheesy, corny, or like a mushy fortune cookie phrase...it is one of my truths that I hold dear.

My very best friend and I are celebrating another anniversary this month!

And let's not forget Valentine's Day is in a couple of weeks! So remember your sweethearts and your friends...and your family!

Enjoy the month of February 2012 to the FULLEST as it will be gone the way of January 2012 before you know it!.....Til next week, adieu!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Do you ever feel like you took a wrong turn....or missed the turn you needed to make?

Life is a journey...we can't always "turn around" so to speak....but we can change direction.
I have started a photography business and at times get impatient with myself in my goals....both business and personal. However...I do try to keep perspective...

My goals this year are posted on this blog as my first blog post of the year.
I have lost 4 pounds since that post....and yet....sometimes I feel as though things are not moving along as they should. Now, it isn't always humanly possible or healthy to move things along at the pace we want them to go.
I do get this....understand it...see it....but I still have to remind myself that all things take time. Just keep the focus and it will happen.

My train of focus does get derailed by others as well....today I was suppose to go shoot some local sites...however, my youngest child decided it was a sick day....today's train = derailed. BUT hey...life is ever changing.
I did manage to get some editing done, a professional blog post completed and published...lunch... and then i got bored so as we know we should NEVER do....I cut my own hair.

I know you are thinking "OMG!"

but it really isn't bad...It's actually pretty good for doing it myself with no help this time! :D

I will have to post a photo soon....and it is only shoulder length. I didn't butcher it.... I just got bored and decided to see "what if..."

LOL....I know that those "what if I did this" moments don't usually turn out the way we think they will. This time I just ......well I was going to say "lucky" but that doesn't really seem appropriate. My best friend is famous for telling people that "you make your own luck". You do. We tend to  say "oh that person just got lucky" when we see someone who has reached a goal or gotten somewhere we want to be and haven't gotten there yet. However we don't see all the time, effort, blood, sweat and tears that went into that achievement.

Hopefully I will "have just gotten lucky" by December of 2012....as I hope that the directions I have chosen for the year unfold to the path that leads me to the achievements I wish to attain.
Wish me luck..... or not.... but stay tuned to see if it happens....after all, there is still that "I told you so"!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA--An act against OUR RIGHTS!

SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act....I disagree!

Make your voice heard!

We the People....
government for the people,
by the people!

Let's keep it that way!
The details of this proposed bill can be found on wikipedia.
There are excerpts included in this post. I believe this needs to be said....

When television first came out, they tried to sensor what was put on the air. We fought that act claiming it violated our rights. IT DID! Freedom of Speech is one of the most important tools we have. It frees the lines of communication so that WE THE PEOPLE have a TRUE VOICE! We the People have a say! However we have to stand up for our rights instead of accepting what is handed to us and reacting too late! Be proactive!
Fight for your Rights! Let Congress and the rest of our Government know we value our rights and our freedom! We are NOT blind sheep to be lead into a future where our rights have slowly,  quietly disappeared under the guise of "for our protection" or "for our own good"!

You have the right to speak up and to make your voice heard! Let them HEAR YOU!....before they sensor your rights.
Here is a part of the explaination i found on wikipedia:

"The bill would authorize the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction accused of infringing on copyrights, or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement.[4] After delivering a court order, the U.S. Attorney General could require US-directed Internet service providers, ad networks, and payment processors to suspend doing business with sites found to infringe on federal criminal intellectual property laws. The Attorney General could also bar search engines from displaying links to the sites.[13]"

Now while this clipping makes it sound as though it is all aimed at those outside the US...it also states that service providers, ad networks, and payment processors may be required to suspend doing business with sites found to be guilty....that isn't restricted to outside the US! And if we let them restrict the internet (also known as the "world wide web" outside of our borders, who is going to stop a later bill from including the US businesses? Everything has a tendency to GROW from one small step to a giant leap...and before you know it, you are a blind sheep being led to the slaughter with no voice to change because while you were sleeping, someone took that from you....in this case...It has started with the 2008 bill that was their first attempt to censor the internet. We said NO then.

Now, here they are again with a different approach still trying to sensor our voice, our freedom, our right to be heard, to do business globally or locally!

Here is a second part of the bill being proposed:
"The bill also establishes a two-step process for intellectual property rights holders to seek relief if they have been harmed by a site dedicated to infringement."
This part says NOTHING about outside the US. It just states the process generally. It gives  no parameters, specifics, nothing!

Quote number three:
"The bill provides immunity from liability to the ad and payment networks that comply with this Act or that take voluntary action to cut ties to such sites. Any copyright holder who knowingly misrepresents that a website is dedicated to infringement would be liable for damages.[4] The second section increases the penalties for streaming video and for selling counterfeit drugs, military materials or consumer goods. The bill would increase the penalties for unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content[for uploaders, downloaders, or hosts? clarification needed] and other intellectual property offenses.[13]"

Immunity for following along blindly....giving up freedom of speech for censorship??!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!
Oh and did you read the part about penalties?? Let me show you that again:

 The bill would make unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content a crime, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison for ten such infringements within six months.

"Impact on online freedom of speech
On TIME's Techland blog, Jerry Brito wrote, "Imagine if the U.K. created a blacklist of American newspapers that its courts found violated celebrities' privacy? Or what if France blocked American sites it believed contained hate speech?"[22] Similarly, the Center for Democracy and Technology warned, "If SOPA and PIPA are enacted, the US government must be prepared for other governments to follow suit, in service to whatever social policies they believe are important—whether restricting hate speech, insults to public officials, or political dissent."[23]
Laurence H. Tribe, a Harvard University professor of constitutional law, released an open letter on the web stating that SOPA would “undermine the openness and free exchange of information at the heart of the Internet. And it would violate the First Amendment.”[7][24]

The AFL-CIO's Paul Almeida, arguing in favor of SOPA, has stated that free speech was not a relevant consideration, because "Freedom of speech is not the same as lawlessness on the Internet. There is no inconsistency between protecting an open Internet and safeguarding intellectual property. Protecting intellectual property is not the same as censorship; the First Amendment does not protect stealing goods off trucks."[25]"

I disagree with Paul Almeida! Freedom of speech is being able to post your voice online as with on television! If another nation tried to tell us we couldn't do this, we would be OUTRAGED!! We would scream bloody murder until the ban was lifted and freedom was given back to us! Why should we not tell those trying to stop us in our own lands, within our own borders the same thing! They should know better more so than another nation! They live here, grew up here (usually), and enjoy teh same rights and freedoms we do albeit with a few more resources than most of us but still they are Americans! Why should we let our own people take our rights from us? To me that is worse than someone else trying! Note I said trying!!

Don't let SOPA take away your voice!!

Email or write to your representative! Click the link if you need information. The link will take you to the House of Representatives directory. There is no reason not to take a moment to make a stand!!
Stand up for your rights and your freedom!
Email or write to your Senator! The link will take you to the governmeent site that lists each address, phone number and an automated form that sends an email to your senator. It does show required fields in order to send the email....but your voice should be heard!!
We didn't send soldiers to iraq to fight and die for freedom for other nations just to have ours taken away at home!! We have to support our troops by making our won stand. You may think this is far reaching but I don't. I think each freedom is precious and should be preserved. History has taught us that once a law is passed it is hard to change it. People get use to things....and can be mislead if close attention is not paid.
We fought for those amendments...and by we I mean the American people!
We owe it to ourselves and our future generations (and our future selves too!) to keep those freedoms!
Make your voice heard!
We the People....government for the people, by the people!
Let's keep it that way!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tulsa Parks Visit

Welcome back to my personal blog.
This blog is just a compilation of my ramblings and happenings in Tulsa, OK and the neighboring areas...I have posted personal goals and asked that you keep me accountable. But this blog is not limited to the "I told YOU so!" of my new years goals.

Recently, I visited a local nature reserve: Oxley Nature Center.
If you are local to teh Tulsa Area, are a nature lover, and love the outdoors, then you have to visit this sweet little place.
 The great thing I love most about this place is the convenience. Even when the gates are closed and the building locked up you may park outside the gate and walk the trails from 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. or on holidays. You have open permission to visit almost anytime of day! You don't need a guide. The trails are clearly marked. Cell phone reception is wonderful (in my experience). You can snap photos with a phone camera and send to friends or go out for a wonderful nature walk as a professional or amatuer photographer.  In the evenings between 4 and 6:30 pm you can see all kinds of critters (mostly deer!) if you are quiet and looking. It's really a great time!

There are places along each trail at some point to sit and enjoy the nature around you or take a rest...
Oxley Nature Center also has many different areas for wildlife...wetlands, marshes, fields, woods...very beautiful!
I am planning a few photo shoots here myself with friends and another nature walk for photos in the spring once everything is in bloom!

You have to drive through Mohawk Park to get here ..... and past the Tulsa Zoo, which also provide great photo opportunities. There is sometimes a $2 parking fee on the weekends from April thru August but that is per car...not per person. I believe the experience is worth it.
Check it out sometime!

Mohawk Park has 2820 acres which include: 1 Play Ground, 1 Sports Field, 1 Water Play Area, 9 Miles of Trail, 6 Picnic Shelters, 106 Picnic Tables, 2R Restrooms, 1503 Parking Spaces, 2 Concessions, 1 Disk Golf Course.

Mohawk park also offers covered picnic areas which can be reserved for use...and ALOT of regular picnic areas....we use to picnic at Mohawk before visiting the zoo when I was a small child.

If you search mohawk park of tulsa, you also come up with Mohawk Golf Course and Tulsa Zoo and Living Museum.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Blogging Regular in 2012

Welcome back to my own personal blog!

I set a goal for 2012 of blogging on a consistent basis. So, this is my second blog  post...week 2's blog if you will. By the end of 2012 there will hopefully be 52 blog posts on this site.

This past week has been all about focus.  FOCUS! That is what I keep telling myself. Keep your eye on the goal. The goals are many so sometimes it is hard to keep focus when it seems so scattered. However! I did it. One week at time and 2012 will hopefully show more successes than the last year.
I did say you could say "I told you so!"....therefore, here is a reminder of this year's list of goals:

  1. Run two 5K's this year so that I will keep running....maybe in April and again in October 
  2. Up the workout to get the sculpting and toning desired
  3. Organize my life....Home, SEO, Photography 
  4. Build SEO clients
  5. Grow photography business and clients
  6. Branch photography out into more adventures and meeting more people...experience more styles!
  7. Blog personally and professionally on a consistant basis
  8. Grow and learn and continue the adventure
Goal 1: RUN!
...I have ran all three workout days this past week. I made my 40 minute treadmill time count and managed 2.5 to 3.02 miles each day.
Goal 2: up the workout
...I have added laps in between wt sets to keep up the cardio and endurance. I have kept each workout appointment with myself and NOT whimped out. I have also added an extra day. I made sunday afternoon pilates class this past weekend.

Goal 3: Orgainize my life!
...well, my house is getting cleaned. My list of to do's is on going. My kitchen has a new pot rack and it has been hung!
...I am purchasing a new laptop and outer disk drive to better organize my work environment.
...and I have spent twice the time communicating and working on SEO this past week!

Goals 4, 5, and 6 are gonna take a little more time and effort to report back on.

Goal 7: blog consistently.....
...well here it is in cyberspace and you are reading the proof....so goal 7 accomplished this week.

Goal 8:Grow and Learn
... again...ongoing and time is needed!

So...share your opinions, your goals, and even your frustrations if you so desire.

and Keep checking back for the "I told You SO!"'s

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012...Day 5

Happy New Year....five days into it!

With a new year comes new goals for alot of people. Five days into the year most people are tired of hearing about New Year's Resolutions. Me, personally, I think it is good to have goals instead of resolutions. 
Goals continue to help you ride the waves of life and adventure.
After all, we only have one life to live so why not live the adventure it brings?

I ended the last year with a ski trip to Missouri. It was great to have fun in the snow and enjoy time with family! The drive was even nice...not too long and plenty of interesting sites you don't usually see.

Usually my new year's resolution goes along with everyone else's popular theme: "get fit and eat better and lose weight". This year however it is slightly different. I ran my first 5k in October of last year. That is more than I have ever been able to do before. I spent from April to December in the gym which for me is a record. I trained from August to October for that 5K.  Now I have something to build on.

I am very EXCITED about the new year. I am also trying to be realistic about the goals I set.
 In the past that has been my faux paux! In 2011 I got to know me better.
 I think knowing yourself is important in setting goals in life in general.
Look Out 2012!

Successes in 2011:
  1. Found a great gym partner to work out with on a regular basis!
  2. Graduated with Bachelor's Degree in May
  3. Started working for a small business in Claremore doing SEO
  4. Started my own business in September doing Photography
  5. Ran my first 5k in October
  6. Took a family vacation close to home and went skiing
  7. Rang in the new year with family

So....Here are the goals for the coming year!
  1. Run two 5K's this year so that I will keep running....maybe in April and again in October
  2. Up the workout to get the sculpting and toning desired
  3. Organize my life....Home, SEO, Photography
  4. Build SEO clients
  5. Grow photography business and clients
  6. Branch photography out into more adventures and meeting more people...experience more styles!
  7. Blog personally and professionally on a consistant basis
  8. Grow and learn and continue the adventure!
So....keep reading and checking back...
You can say I told you so in December... Or....
Or....Maybe you can say congrats!

Speaking of blogging professionally....here is a link to my photography blog!