Thursday, May 16, 2013

Empty Nests

A Glorious Flight!

Graduation is a glorious experience. High School is over and life is just about a serious change and an exhilarating time of unknown possibilities!

It's May and graduations from High School and from College are taking place all around us. I find myself trying to redefine myself due to the changes happening all around me. The environment you are in impacts you as much as you impact it and others around you--even if you don't realize it.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philipeans 4:13
 When I graduated from High School, I believed this with all my heart and soul. I was ready to take on the world. When I graduated from College, I still believed it was true and hoped I could take on the world.
Now my first child is graduating from High School and I am more lost and unsure than I was at 18 standing on the brink of life ready to take on the world.

Changes came and went and are still coming and will continue to become normal....and I will continue to embrace change in and of itself.... Some changes in the specific sense are a little harder to embrace. I find it was easier to take the journey myself than to watch others that are my responsibility take on those challenges. This of course offers more challenges and more change. 

Embrace life! Embrace Change!....Live, Laugh, and LOVE to the fullest in all that you do!
Change is inevitable.

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