Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Change: YOU make the difference

I watched this video on Facebook.  IF you would like to watch the video...please search  #FEDUP or visit my facebook page.

 A friend had posted it. There is so much to say about this that facebook is NOT the medium. So here it is...on my blog.

They show a comparison of your brain on sugar and your brain on cocaine. This is apparently to illustrate that sugar is addicting. This addiction causes diabetes.

They have ONE point I would like to take the time to actually point out to you specifically as it has a broader concept and is a MAJOR issue to me. "Money over the american well-being"

This is a sad concept. When the phrase "the almighty dollar" rose was but a spark compared to what that actually means today...Money in truth rules the world. Tobacco companies used this. The medical world uses this and so does the sugar industry. So does our government.

The only way to make a difference is to NOT be a part of it...don't contribute...make a stand and make a change.

I could make this post VERY long...but I refuse. It's and individual choice and if each individual doesn't contribute to the whole (as a society) then the change will not happen.
It shouldn't be the law-makers that make this happen. It should be the public. WE do NOT need lawyers and lobbyists to do this for us. There is this group titled "target market"....YOU are part of that group if you shop for "the product". When the target market demands something by changing the trend (what you buy)....then the market changes! It really is THAT SIMPLE. Change the market by changing the trends by changing what you purchase.

Have a great day and be well! :)

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